Stefan Pohl Computer Chess

Home of famous UHO openings and EAS Ratinglist

Latest Website-News (2024/10/12): Testrun of Stockfish 241004 finished: +2 Celo to Stockfish 241001 and +7 Celo to Stockfish 17.

Gamepairs of Stockfish 241001 vs. Stockfish 17: 500 (+126 =302 -72)


From now, new hardware is used for my UHO-Top15 Ratinglist: New Notebook with AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX (16c/32t) with 64GB RAM. 26 games are now running simultaneously. This leads to around +15% higher nps (compared to my old machine) and the hashtables for all engines are doubled up to 512 MByte per engine. If avx512 binaries are used (did not run on my old machine), the nps increase around +12%. From now, I will use avx512 binaries, if these binaries are provided. Otherwise, avx2 binaries will be used. Mention, a +12% speedup is no big deal in these days of superstrong nnue-engines.

Because, 26 games are running simultaneously (instead of 20 on my old machines), one 15000 games testrun now just takes "only" 3.5 days (instead of 4.5 days on my old machines).


Dont forget to take a look at my EAS-Ratinglist (The world's first engine-ratinglist not measuring strength of engines, but engines's style of play)


Next testrun: Stockfish 241012 avx512 and Rebel Extreme / Rebel EAS 2.0 for my full Ratinglist



Stay tuned

UHO-Top15 Engines Ratinglist (+ regular testing of Stockfish Dev-versions)



Playing conditions:


The 15 strongest engines and the latest StockfishDev version are playing 1000 games vs. each opponent: 15000 games per engine are played. A RoundRobin Tournament with 120000 games overall !


Hardware: AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX 16-core (32 threads) notebook with 64GB RAM (since 2024/10/08)

Speed: (singlethread, TurboBoost-mode switched off, chess starting position) Stockfish 17: 600 kn/s (when 26 games are running simultaneously)

Hash: 512MB per engine

GUI: Cutechess-cli (GUI ends game, when a 5-piece endgame is on the board, all other games are played until mate or draw by chess-rules (3fold, 50-moves, stalemate))

Tablebases: None for engines, 5 Syzygy for cutechess-cli

OpeningsMy UHO_2022_6mvs_+120_+129 openings are used (first 500 lines) (UHO 2022 openings are part of my Anti Draw Openings download-package). 

Ponder, Large Memory Pages & learning: Off

Thinking time: 3min+1sec per game/engine. One testrun (15000 games) takes around 80-85 hours (=3.5 days)

The version-numbers of the Stockfish engines are the date of the latest patch, which was included in the Stockfish sourcecode, not the release-date of the engine-file, written backwards (year,month,day))(example: 200807 = August, 7, 2020). The used SF compile is the AVX512-compile, which is the fastest on my AMD Ryzen CPU. SF binaries are taken from (except the official SF-release versions, which are taken form the official Stockfish website).

Read the explanation, why I chose my testing-conditions, like I did here


Latest update: 2024/10/12: Stockfish 241004 (+2 Celo to Stockfish 241001)


(Ordo-calculation fixed to Stockfish 17 = 3843 Celo. Mention, there are no human or "realistic" Elo numbers in enginechess, since the engines reached superhuman strength, so I decided to use "Celo" (=Computer Elo) instead)


See the tournament cross-table as a picture (done by Fritz18 GUI) here

See the individual statistics of engine-results here

See the Engines Aggressiveness Score Ratinglist here

See the Gamepair-statistics of the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist here

See the full UHO Ratinglist (with EAS-Ratinglist): here

Download the current gamebase, the full-list gamebase and the archive here

See the old SPCC-Ratinglist (full list) and EAS-List from 2020 until 2023/08/28: here


(best Stockfish Celo: Stockfish 241004: 3850 Celo, latest full release (Stockfish 17) had 3843 Celo)

(highest EAS-Score since Stockfish 16 release: Stockfish 240519: 203882 EAS-points)

(Read the explanation of the Lc0-entry in the Ratinglist here).

     Program                    Celo    +    - Games    Score   Av.Op. Draws

   1 Stockfish 241004 a512    : 3850    4    4 15000    71.2%   3686   48.0%
   2 Stockfish 17 240906      : 3843    4    4 15000    70.3%   3686   48.5%
   3 Torch 3 popavx2          : 3807    4    4 15000    65.7%   3689   48.4%
 [   Lc0 0.32dev BT4-6077500  : 3762   15   15  1000 (NN vs SF15.1 testing)]
   4 Berserk 13 avx2          : 3736    4    4 15000    55.8%   3693   50.3%
   5 KomodoDragon 3.3 avx2    : 3730    4    4 15000    55.0%   3694   51.2%
   6 Obsidian 13.08 avx2      : 3729    4    4 15000    54.9%   3694   51.0%
   7 Caissa 1.20 avx2         : 3688    4    4 15000    48.9%   3697   50.9%
   8 PlentyChess 2.1 avx2     : 3686    4    4 15000    48.7%   3697   51.7%
   9 Ethereal 14.38 avx2      : 3685    4    4 15000    48.6%   3697   50.3%
  10 RubiChess 240817 avx2    : 3671    4    4 15000    46.6%   3698   49.7%
  11 Alexandria 7.0 avx2      : 3655    4    4 15000    44.2%   3699   51.2%
  12 Clover 8.0 avx2          : 3645    4    4 15000    42.7%   3699   51.0%
  13 Viridithas 14.0 avx2     : 3616    4    4 15000    38.7%   3701   49.1%
  14 Lizard 11.0 avx2         : 3604    4    4 15000    37.0%   3702   48.4%
  15 Motor 0.70 avx2          : 3599    4    4 15000    36.4%   3702   51.1%
  16 Titan 1.1 avx2           : 3592    4    4 15000    35.3%   3703   49.6%

Games        : 120000 (finished)

White Wins   : 57844 (48.2 %)
Black Wins   : 2115   (1.8 %)
Draws        : 60041 (50.0 %)

Below the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist, recalculated with Gamepairs (using my Gamepair Rescoring Tool V1.5), Ordo-calculation fixed to Stockfish 17 = 3843 Celo, realizing Vondele's (Stockfish Maintainer) idea: "Thinking uniquely in game pairs makes sense with the biased openings used these days. While pentanomial makes  sense it is a bit complicated so we could simplify and score game pairs only (not games) as W-L-D (a traditional score of 2-0, or 1.5-0.5 is just a W)."

See the head-to-head gamepair-statistics of the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist here

   # PLAYER                   :    Celo  Error   Pairs     W     D     L   (%)  CFS(%)
   1 Stockfish 241004 a512    :    3869     13    7500  6168  1222   110  90.4     100
   2 Stockfish 17 240906      :    3843   ----    7500  6043  1265   192  89.0     100
   3 Torch 3 popavx2          :    3700     12    7500  5064  1801   635  79.5     100
   4 Berserk 13 avx2          :    3502     12    7500  3277  2581  1642  60.9      98
   5 KomodoDragon 3.3 avx2    :    3492     12    7500  3090  2785  1625  59.8      95
   6 Obsidian 13.08 avx2      :    3485     12    7500  3047  2750  1703  59.0     100
   7 Caissa 1.20 avx2         :    3389     12    7500  2143  2886  2471  47.8      90
   8 PlentyChess 2.1 avx2     :    3384     12    7500  2026  3020  2454  47.1      52
   9 Ethereal 14.38 avx2      :    3383     13    7500  2076  2916  2508  47.1     100
  10 RubiChess 240817 avx2    :    3357     12    7500  1843  2915  2742  44.0     100
  11 Alexandria 7.0 avx2      :    3315     12    7500  1479  2887  3134  39.0     100
  12 Clover 8.0 avx2          :    3287     12    7500  1254  2851  3395  35.7     100
  13 Viridithas 14.0 avx2     :    3233     12    7500   941  2560  3999  29.6     100
  14 Lizard 11.0 avx2         :    3185     13    7500   645  2396  4459  24.6      85
  15 Motor 0.70 avx2          :    3181     13    7500   613  2387  4500  24.1     100
  16 Titan 1.1 avx2           :    3163     13    7500   522  2316  4662  22.4     ---

--- Number of all Gamepairs          : 60000 
--- Number of drawn Gamepairs overall: 19769 (= 32.95%) 
--- Number of 1:1 drawn Gamepairs    : 9064  (= 15.11%) 
--- Number of 2-draws drawn Gamepairs: 10705 (= 17.84%) 

Aborted testruns, because the tested engine was too weak to enter the UHO-Top15 Ratinglist:

Minic 3.41, Booot 7.3, Black Marlin 9.0, Equisetum 1.0, Stormphrax 5

Below you find a diagram of the progress of Stockfish in my tests since February 2023

And below that diagram, the older diagrams.


You can save the diagrams on your PC with mouseclick (right button) and then choose "save image"...

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